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What Information Do I Need to Launch My Uniform Management System?

Category: Supplier Uniform Management

A range of uniform wearers

If you've just signed off the investment in a new uniform management system, you'll want to make sure you have all your ducks in a row to get off to a flying start. When our clients choose Smart Red, that's only the start of our partnership! Whilst a lot of the technical work will be done by our development team, there are key areas of information that you need to supply, to ensure the system is tailor made for you.

Below you'll find a list of the minimum data you'll need to collate to have your system up and running, and some elements that can be added at a later date to maximise the portal for you and your customers.

1. Your company information

Essential Information

Each Smart Red platform is built to spec for our clients. Therefore, your colours, branding and imagery is on the system to create a truly tailored customer experience. The initial request we have for all clients is access to their brand guidelines to ensure your logos are used consistently and correctly, and ensure your customers recognise the portal immediately with your core colour scheme.

Optional Information

Over time you can add almost anything you want to the uniform ordering portal - relevant news articles, additional imagery, information pages and any policies that are relevant to your clients. You can also add personal details of your Account Managers, and Customer Service Team, to build their own contact cards.

You'll have full access to the Content Management System (CMS) to add these yourself as you grow the portal, and this content should be consistently reviewed and updated to ensure it's the most relevant information on these pages for your customers.

2. Product data

Essential Information

You'll need the data of the full catalogue of products you offer to clients. For each product you'll need:

1. Product name

2. Short description

3. Long description

4. At least one image

5. Any relevant attribute information (size, colour, length etc)

6. Price.

Optional Information

On the Smart Red platform, there are many more elements you can add to your product listing to provide an enhanced service to your clients. These include product specifications, stock codes/SKU numbers and sizing charts, to name a few. These can be added at a later date, if you require the system up and running ASAP.

3. Client data

Essential Information

Each customer on the portal has their own dedicated portal. Therefore, you'll need the specific information about them in order to make them their own personalised pages. This includes their name, at least one location where you'll deliver to, and a list of the products they'll need to order.

Optional Information

The list of additional information you can add at client level is plentiful. You can choose to tailor the look of the portal to your customers, and in that case, you'd need their logo, brand colours and even specific images for them. You can add unlimited delivery addresses, specific carriage charges, customer pricing, customer product images and any other customer-specific rules…you don't need these all the launch the platform, but you can choose to add them when relevant for each customer.

4. Approval Data

Essential Information

You can make the platform as simple or as complex as your clients need it to be. To set up a client, and have their orders live on the portal, you don't need any approval system in place. The quickest way to set up a customer is not to enable any allowances, give them a login, and start ordering.

Optional Information

'Optional' here isn't quite the right word, as some of your customers will need this information before they'll use the portal. But you should know that you can quickly process orders without the below information. Each customer will have different requirements for their approvals/allowances, so see below what information you need in each situation.

Client requirement

Information Needed

Employee Logins

Full name and email address of every user

Role-specific Wardrobes

A list of all garments, including any linked items, to allocate wardrobes. You'll then need a list of each employee's role.


You'll need to know what type of approvals are required - if it's a central person, or team, who approve the orders, you'll need that email address. If it's a hierarchical approval system, you'll need the company hierarchy linked to each employee.

It's true to say that the earlier you gather this information, and supply it to us, the quicker we can have the portal live for you and your customers. If you need support in getting started with a Uniform Management System, look no further than the team at Smart Red. Contact us today to arrange a free demo.

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About The Author

As Big Red’s Sales Director, my role is to ensure our clients see demonstrable results from their systems. I work closely with our clients to help establish specific targets for their platforms and translate this into sales/conversions.

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